From: " Horton, D. Kevin (ATSDR/DHS/SRB)"  
To: Mike Partain
Cc: " Portier, Christopher (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH)"  ; " Sinks, Tom (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH)"  
Sent: Fri, January 21, 2011 11:16:58 AM
Subject: Re: Camp Lejeune

Mr. Partain,
I am addressing the email that you sent to Dr. Portier on December 19, 2010. Thank you for bringing to our attention
the USMC booklet, “ Camp Lejeune Historic Drinking Water: Questions and Answers ” that was mailed to some of those who
registered with the USMC.  After following up, ATSDR has been told by the USMC that about 4,125 booklets were mailed
to the most recent registrants.
We share your concern about the accuracy of information shared by the DON/USMC with the affected population.  In order
to assure that information being provided to the public is accurate, ATSDR and the DON/USMC developed a draft agreement
related to communications.  The USMC booklet that was sent to some of the registrants was not provided to ATSDR for

Attached is a recent letter from Dr. Tom Sinks to the DON/USMC which underscores our determination that communications
materials are properly reviewed for accuracy and requests that the USMC booklet be withdrawn from their website. 
The Camp Lejeune Health Survey will begin in the next few months.  Because of the importance of that survey, we have 
developed a structured plan for contacting participants and encouraging participation.  We plan to stick to our 
structured plan.  It does not include asking DON/USMC to distribute an ATSDR letter regarding the NRC report.  ATSDR 
will notify all interested parties and the public about the results of our studies once they are completed.
Thanks again for your continued support and interest in ATSDR’s activities at Camp Lejeune.
Camp Lejeune Communications Plan Letter 1-14-2011
D. Kevin Horton, DrPH, MSPH, CPH
Chief, Surveillance and Registries Branch
Division of Health Studies
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
4770 Buford Highway, Mailstop F-57
Atlanta, GA 30341-3717

From: michael partain Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 9:47 PM To: Portier, Christopher (CDC/ONDIEH/NCEH) Cc: jme; Tom Townsend; James Fontella; richard clapp; etc. Subject: Camp Lejeune Dr. Portier, This email is in follow up to the recent CAP meeting in Atlanta and our request for you and the ATSDR to formally advise the Department of the Navy and the United States Marine Corps, as custodians of the Camp Lejeune exposure registry, to distribute your 22 October 2010 letter regarding the 2009 NRC Report on Camp Lejeune to all of the Camp Lejeune Registrants. It is my understanding the Marine Corps, as the Primary Responsible Party (PRP), is the entity responsible for assembling the exposed population’s contact data for the ATSDR’s upcoming health studies. According to the attached Marine Corps Registry Confirmation letter, one of the purposes of this registry is to: " to ensure those who may have been exposed are provided with the most up to date information." The Marine Corps has used its position, as custodian of the exposure registry, to selectively disseminate information supportive of their point of view; this includes the flawed NRC report on Camp Lejeune. Our community is literally scattered across the country and many of those who comprise the exposed population remain uninformed concerning recent developments about the Camp Lejeune contaminated drinking water issue. The July 2010 U. S. Marine Corps Camp Lejeune Historic Drinking Water Q&A booklet is yet another example of the above referenced abuse by the Marine Corps. Since the 16 September 2010 hearing on Camp Lejeune, we have received reports from members of our website that the Marine Corps is actively mailing these booklets to the Camp Lejeune registrants. Once again, this booklet provides only the Marine Corps’ view on our issue with no counter point. I fear that this biased information will serve to undermine participation in the upcoming health studies for Camp Lejeune. After all, why participate in a health survey when according to page 11 of the informational booklet: “The 2009 NRC report concluded that adverse effects were unlikely, but could not be ruled out completely, and additional health studies are unlikely to provide more definitive results.” Located on the ATSDR website is a section titled Surveillance and Registry Branch ( One of the responsibilities of this branch is: “Registries Team Establishes and maintains registries of persons exposed to toxic substances and persons with particular diseases. The team&rsquos responsibilities include: Collect, analyze, and circulate information about registrants, including illnesses and exposures. Provide information to registrants about health services and other services available to them.” I can think of no better example of keeping the exposed community informed than a letter from the Director of the ATSDR, the agency tasked by Congress to assess our exposures at Camp Lejeune. Once again, I repeat my request to you as the Director of the ATSDR to formally advise the Department of the Navy and The U.S. Marine Corps distribute your 22 October 2010 letter to all Camp Lejeune registrants. Respectfully, Mike Partain CAP Member, Camp Lejeune